About EIZO

In January 2002, we established our corporate philosophy, which provides a foundation for our values. We also instituted our principles of conduct, which serve as the compass that guides our business activities.
EIZO NANAO Group Corporate Philosophy
The EIZO NANAO Group pushes the limits of technology to create products of new value, inspires its customers through visual display systems and entertainment software, and strives for sound prosperity while coexisting in harmony with the environment and society.
EIZO NANAO Group Principles of Conduct
- We supply superior products and services by focusing on quality and following scientific operation procedures.
- We act as an international corporation with a global outlook and mindset.
- We aim to grow in a harmonious manner by building strong bonds of trust with our stakeholders (shareholders, suppliers, employees, and the local community).
- We respect and comply with both the letter and the spirit of the law as a good corporate citizen.
- We cultivate a broadminded corporate culture, establishing a vibrant workplace.
Here we have newly established this Code of Conduct (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”) in order to describe this corporate philosophy and principles of conduct in more concrete form and clarify the standards for our business judgments, evaluations, and actions on our business activities.
I. General Provisions
1. Scope of Application
The Code shall apply to all officers and employees (including dispatched workers and employees of subcontractors who work on the premises of the company, hereinafter referred to as the “officers/employees”) of EIZO Group Companies, whether inside or outside Japan (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Company”).
2. Purpose
The purpose of the Code is to establish the standards on which the business judgments, evaluations, and actions of all officers/employees of the Company must depend.
3. Establishment and Amendment
The Code shall be established by the Board of Directors of EIZO NANAO CORPORATION after due deliberation by the Compliance Committee of EIZO NANAO CORPORATION.
4. Communication and Enforcement
The Company shall make efforts to communicate the Code to all officers/employees throughout the organization, and the officers/employees shall understand the purpose and substance of the Code and shall take the initiative in implementing the Code.
II. Code of Conduct
1. We supply superior products and services to the customers
- We will develop and apply superior technologies, and will deliver products and services that create new values fit for the needs of the society.
- We will deliver products and services that come with high quality and reliability.
- In delivering our products and services, we will also seek whatever is economically reasonable, including the timing of the delivery and the price of the products and services.
- We will constantly seek improved safety to ensure that we can provide products and services that our customers can feel secure about using.
- We will recognize the importance of global environmental conservation and will develop products with minimal effect on the environment.
2. We act as an international corporation
- We will always keep in mind that our activities will not be limited to a particular country or region and we will expand our activities throughout the world.
- We will recognize diversity of culture and practice in each country and region, and implement our business out of respect for the situations of different countries and regions.
- Through our business activities, we will contribute to the development of the countries and regions where we conduct our business activities.
3. We build strong bonds of trust with our stakeholders (shareholders, business partners and our local community)
- We will conduct business with a view to improving long-term corporate value.
- We will disclose information to our stakeholders in an appropriate and timely manner to maintain the fairness and transparency in our management.
- We will respond to any feedback from our customers, including requests, complaints, and consultations, in good faith, in an expeditious way, and in an appropriate manner.
- In selecting business partners in our procurement and other activities, we will choose the best partners by comparing and evaluating the relevant conditions in a fair manner.
- We will fulfill our obligations to maintain in confidence any confidential information that we may receive from our business partners.
- Through our social contributions as a sound corporate citizen, we will make an effort to promote our communications with the local community, and build up and maintain a relationship of trust with the local community.
4. We respect and comply with both the letter and the spirit of the law
Fair Trade; Free Competition
- We will not acquire confidential information of others through improper means. In addition, if we acquire the knowledge that any particular information was acquired and/or disclosed by others through improper means, we will not acquire or use it.
- We will not engage in improper restriction of trade, including cartels and bid rigging activities, or impede fair competition.
- We will not engage in any unfair trades including resale-price maintenance and solicitation of customers by offering excessive premiums.
- We will not abuse our dominant bargaining position over our subcontractors, including delaying of payment and unjustified returns.
Product Safety
- Upon occurrence of any product or service-related accident, or upon proving to be at risk of the occurrence of such accident, we will immediately confirm the facts and take appropriate measures to minimize damage.
Protection of Personal Information
- We will appropriately acquire, store, use and/or destroy personal information on our customers, business partners, shareholders, and officers/employees in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations as well as internal procedures.
Prohibition of Insider Trading
- We will not buy or sell securities including certificate of stock, taking advantage of any non-public information (insider information) of our company or other companies that we have come to know in connection with the duties or transactions.
- We will not leak insider information to any officers/employees or others (including family members or friends) who are not legitimately involved in such information.
Protection of Company Assets
- We will manage and use the assets of the Company for business purposes of the Company, and will properly protect the assets from damage, destruction, theft, leakage and other such manners.
- We will also properly safeguard intangible assets including brands, trademarks, patent, know-how, confidential information and information systems that constitute the assets of the Company.
- We will not improperly use the assets of the Company for any purpose other than our rightful business purposes.
- We will not disclose or leak to others any business-related confidential information, including corporate information, that we come to know during the employment without the permission of the Company not only during the period of the employment but also after the termination thereof.
Prohibition of involvement in Anti-Social Groups or Organizations
- We will not have any relation with anti-social groups or organizations that pose threat to the order or safety of a civil society.
- We will act firmly when challenged by unlawful demand from anti-social groups or organizations, and we will not participate in any conduct that promotes their activities.
5. We cultivate a broadminded corporate culture, establishing a vibrant workplace
- We express individual abilities to the fullest and encourage personal expression through work, as well as mutually respect diverse values and personalities so all can contribute to the development of our company’s business.
- We tackle new challenges with resolute determination, accomplishing our work tasks in a creative way as we uncompromisingly pursue increased efficiency and streamlining.
- In order to establish a safe and healthy work environment, all of our employees work together to prevent accidents before they happen. We will develop and maintain a business structure that can respond appropriately in an emergency.
- As a member of society, we exhibit sound judgment and strive to improve both our ethics and our etiquette.
- We respect basic human rights and will not engage in speech or actions that discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, creed, national origin, or social status.
- We will not engage in violence, sexual harassment, abuse arising from the unfair exploitation of workplace position or rank, or any other activity that disregards human character.
- We will foster an environment where, in accordance with our corporate reporting system, anyone can truthfully report actual or suspected activities in violation of laws, company regulations, and/or socially accepted ethical standards.